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  • Baylee Anderson '18
  • Baylee Anderson '18

    Political Science Major

    Baylee Anderson"Upon graduating and transferring I wanted to narrow my focus, and I’d always had a passion for international affairs. Goucher opened that door for me and through it I met many passionate students and professionals with a shared interest in global affairs."

    Where are you from?
    I’m originally from Harford County, MD but moved to Baltimore after I started school at Goucher in 2016.

    Where did you transfer from?
    I transferred to Goucher after earning my Associates degree in political science at Harford Community College

    What led you to your decision to transfer to Goucher?
    I decided on Goucher because I was intrigued by the robust international relations program in addition to the fantastic study abroad programs offered at Goucher. Studying abroad has been one of the most valuable life experiences thus far and I don’t believe I would have taken the leap without the push from Goucher College. Also, Goucher checked so many of my boxes! I was really attracted to the beautiful campus and small class sizes, and knew that Goucher had a reputation for being academically rigorous.

    What drew you to your major?
    While in community college, I had switched majors a few times. I’ve always wanted to use my skills and talents to help others and be an impactful agent of change. This desire led me to the political science department at Harford Community College. Upon graduating and transferring I wanted to narrow my focus, and I’d always had a passion for international affairs. Goucher opened that door for me and through it I met many passionate students and professionals with a shared interest in global affairs.

    What did you do after graduating?
    After graduating in 2018, I hit the ground running, as I was offered a position at a Washington D.C. based consulting firm, where I currently work. Our firm is small business focused, and we work at the intersection of the public and private sectors on a range of issues which impact small business. Other than my professional goals, I made a goal to travel and to spend more time with friends, family and my partner. 

    What are your other interests and passions?
    Outside of professional and academic passions, I’m a huge fan of cooking/baking as well as trying new food. My favorite meals to cook often include lots of veggies and spices and I love to bake a great pie or batch of cookies. I also enjoy painting (I’m not any good at it, but no one said I had to be good at my hobby!) and working on house projects with my partner.

    What do you consider to be the important aspects of the Goucher experience?
    I would consider studying abroad as an important aspect of Goucher. I say study abroad because regardless of major, everyone at Goucher studies abroad, so it’s as if it’s a shared experience. I think there is also a major benefit of a student body that has left their comfort zone and opened themselves up to being vulnerable in new places.

    What advice would you give to those thinking about transferring schools?
    Speaking as someone who transferred from community college, I would encourage other transfer students to be as involved on campus as possible. Unfortunately (at least in my CC experience) there were not a lot of opportunities to be engaged on campus. Also, I cannot understate the value of being honest with professors and taking advantage of office hours!

    What opportunities did you engage in during your time at Goucher?
    During my time at Goucher, I had a packed schedule and a part time job which both ate up a lot of my time, but when I did have some free time, I would join club meetings I found interesting, support my friends on sports teams/in school shows, etc.